40,000 Expected to Attend the Saint Patrick’sParade of Manchester 25th Year Celebration.
Manchester, NH–Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig, US Representative Chris
Pappas, and U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan will be among some of New
Hampshire’s dignitaries that will attend the upcoming Saint Patrick’s Parade
of Manchester 25th annual celebration.
Over 40,000 people are expected to attend, and organizers are preparing for a
robust event now that COVID-19 restrictions are finally starting to lessen. The
parade was canceled in 2020 and 2021 due to public safety concerns posed by
the pandemic.
Pipe Bands, High School Bands, Irish Dancers, Clowns, Mini Monster Trucks,
and Go-Carts are some of this year’s event attractions that will be offered by
the financial support of event sponsors, such as Quirk Auto Dealers, who will be
featuring two vehicles in the parade.
“The Manchester Saint Patrick’s Parade is the largest St. Patrick’s Parade north
of Boston and is only made possible through the generous donations from our
sponsors” said parade organizer Jim Walsh.
The parade is a collective effort made by an extensive list of individual residents,
businesses and community partners.
“We have many sponsors who donate $1000 and more as well as many
individuals who donate less than that, many $100 and less. This Parade has
always been privately funded and is this year again. The attractions the parade
offers result in a huge influx of money to downtown businesses and other areas
of the city as well”, said Walsh.
Families in Transition, who serve needy individuals and families in the
Manchester community will benefit from a portion of event proceeds.The parade
is scheduled for Sunday, March 27 at 12 p.m. Visit https://saintpatsnh.com/ for
more information.