Manchester, NH–Enough blood to save over 100 lives was collected at Quirk Kia
of Manchester’s Red Cross blood drive this past week.
Facing the worst blood shortage in over a decade, the Red Cross has been
struggling to meet the blood supply demands and have increased pleas to the
public for help.
Mayor Joyce Craig attended the event and delivered opening remarks. “There’s a
significant shortage in blood right now, and for everyone who can step forward
and join me in giving blood today, I want to thank you. And if you can’t give
today, then look into future opportunities, because once you give once, it’s really
important to continue to do so, because we do save lives by doing this. It literally
takes about 10 minutes out of your day”, said Craig.
Shortly after opening remarks, Mayor Craig rolled up her sleeve and was one of
the first in line to donate.
A total of 38 pints of blood was collected and of those that participated, 17 were
first-time donors.
Sean Western, one of many Quirk employees who attended the event said, “I
donated because there is a shortage of blood, and it only takes about 5-10
minutes to do so. Just one donation can save up to three lives.”
Quirk Auto Dealers will also serve as the official host of an upcoming WMUR-
sponsored blood drive, which is set for June 3, 2022, at Quirk Kia, located at
1300 S. Porter Street in Manchester. Register in advance online at: and select Quirk Kia from the list to sign up.